Friday, July 3, 2009


This school i study in, is lame. En. Rahim, a disiplin teacher (PEMBULI) likes bullying students from SMK Seri Bintang Selatan. whats the deal of this kluster school????
Our canteen is so dirty and sometimes there are even rats around this canteen. i've seen other school that isn't kluster, neither bestari, its also SMK. Their canteen is so clean. If there is a debate between them, (teacher and students) i choose student. because im also a student.

Teachers are coward. Other than that, in almost all classes,theres a television, BUT in a year, not even ONCE the teachers use it. A school in Kedah is not even SKK and they are using IT to study now, they only have to bring a laptop to school and no books.

I dont understand why cant they close down the school for at least a week due to the H1N1 case. Its increasing each hour and now Malaysia has more then 240 infected people. All students are jz waiting to die. PLS spread this news on this school .


  1. What the hell is wrong with this BLOg! SMKSBS Is not a stupid school and if "YOU" (The person who made this blogspot)Wants to say something bad about people's school well..WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE!!!Such a low life person!Well maybe its the teachers fault or maybe the student but do not say that its the SCHOOL'S FAULT! Don't blame on it cause there's still people who cares about their school...students that made memories with it!

  2. Hey if you hate this school so much then GO AND LEAVE!!! This this world is better without YOU! Im not taking anyone's side...Don't anybody agree with me?

  3. a aah,betul laa tu
    tapi, sbs tak mgalukan kau pun.
    kau boleh blah kalau kau nak.
    ouh yeah, jangan kutuk tempat kau mncari ilmu.
    tak berkat gila, x malu kutuk skolah sndiri.

    u said about teacher coward, sbenarnye kau yg coward
    sbab mluahkan prasaan die blog, bukan depan pengetua, wrong doing.

  4. Um...nazirul...
    you should cool it...
    It's a free world...
    And if what the blogger says is true...
    then he has a right to say it...
    And yea I agree if he thinks the school is so bad he should leave...
    but that's his/her choice...
    And to the blogger...
    it's not the schools fault it's not closed...
    Blame the government...
    And think about it...
    If the students are waiting to die aren't the teachers as well??
    And also In what way are the teachers cowards??
    I do NOT support your blog as I support the others...
    because you made this blog to diss the school...
    Not like me and that other blogger...
    Who made the blog because we want the school to be better...
    So the teachers will understand their mistake and how much it displeases us...
    But you just want to use the tv and use the computers...
    They have their own reasons for not letting us use it...
    I'm guessing you are a junior because before this ALOT of people misuse the school facilities...
    Watching porn on the school pc...
    and cartoons on tv when teachers aren't in...
    meaning wasting the electricity...
    Do you really think our school is that rich??
    Some people don't even want to pay the school fees...
    So if you really want to have laptops in school...
    I suggest you either go to a private school or donate a LARGE amount of money to the school...
    If not don't complain about it...
    About the canteen it's the people working at the canteen's fault...
    Not the teachers...
    And don't say u'll support the student because you're a student...
    U'r dirtying our name...
    So please think before you blog...
    Don't just type things out because you think things are supposed to be the way you want it to be...
    We don't exactly live in a fairytale you know...
    We are having an economy crisis now...
    It is only normal that the school wants to cut down on costs...
